Sunday, October 31, 2010

a peek

YLCF Blog Carnival
YLCF is hosting their blog carnival again; this year is "A Peek Into Your Week" theme. I plan on joining the crowd, so I will be working on a nice edited blog for it! :-P

No, really. It is fun to read everyone's posts and meet new blogging peeps.

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

big little blessings

Cori had a doc visit yesterday, Juliana is 7 1/2 pounds and will gain another 1/2 pound every week until her birth, so that should put her around 9 pounds at birth in 3 weeks. She is healthy and doing well. Have mercy and bless them, Jesus. We depend on you, Lord, to keep both Cori and JM safe and sound.

A childhood song has been running in my head all day today, based on Isaiah 40:1. "He will feed His flock like a shepherd; He will gather the lambs with His arm, And carry them in His bosom, And gently lead those who are with young." 

Sunday, October 24, 2010

rain and baby showers

So yesterday was Cori's (and Juliana Mae's!!!) baby shower. The ladies at Warrington Worship Center prepared a delicious spread, I took goodies from the bakery, and Sarah made an adorable pink and purple giraffe cake and chocolate iced cupcakes. The punch was a ginger ale & lime sherbet concoction...yum!

There were quite a few ladies and children there (I forgot to get a head count). I know it blessed Cori to have everyone come. Not only were the church ladies there, but Cori's violin students and their mamas, and some of our family friends as well.

I got there a little before 1 pm and set up my bakery sweets. I saw that we needed some more decorations, so I had Tricia prep pink and purple balloons to attach to the chairs all around the room. Then back to the house to get dressed and to Walmart for flowers and cards. I was 10 minutes late so I missed the three games, but I arrived before everyone else in the fam. We are a mess! :-P

I had the responsibilities of cutting the cake and recording the gifts. JM got some really practical things (i.e. diapers, wipies, a wipie warmer, diaper pail, a giant frog bathtub toy scoop from Alice S, an essential oils compendium from Debra W, a safety gate from MaeMae, a bouncer from Nanny, sleepers, a stereo from Aunt Tricia, an "A-B-C Song" playing giraffe from me, onesies, socks, caps, bibs, sleeper sets), as well as cute and fun stuff too (crocheted baby blanket, receiving blankets, 1st Christmas bear, and Madame Alexander "My First Huggums" babydoll). And these are only the ones that I remember, so there were more. The WWC ladies helped us load the gifts into the van, and Sarah and I unpacked and sorted all the gifts, since Cori is so far along now that everything is difficult for her to do. Juliana now has a trunk full of natural diapers and wipies!!! :-D

On Friday afternoon, I hosted the CIAS Operation Christmas Child packing party. We had 12 or so kids to come, and we packed 9 boxes! I have always wanted to participate in OCC, but never had the chance to, so, I had a joyful time shopping at Walmart & $ Tree for boy and girl stuff for my boxes! :-)

And today I am working on organizing my team's research and inserting it all into the Autism power point that I have done for our presentation. I also have to grade students' papers from my writing classes. And it's raining (acorns and real rain!). :-)

Thursday, October 21, 2010

meaty quotes to ponder

Better to love God and die unknown, than to love the world and be a hero.
Better to be content with poverty, than to die a slave to wealth.
Better to have taken some risks and lost, than to have done nothing and succeeded at it.
~Erwin Lutzer

God whispers to us in our pleasures,
speaks in our conscience,
but shouts in our pains: it is His megaphone to rouse a deaf world.  
~C.S. Lewis
The only freedom that man ever has is when he becomes a slave to Jesus Christ.
~R.C. Sproul

There is never any peace for those who resist God.  
~François Fénélon

I do not feel obliged to believe that the same God who has endowed us with sense, reason, and intellect has intended us to forgo their use.  
~Galileo Galilei

It cannot be emphasized too strongly or too often that this great nation was founded, not by religionists, but by Christians; not on religions, but on the gospel of Jesus Christ!  
~Patrick Henry

Only he who believes is obedient,.. only he who is obedient believes.  
~Dietrich Bonhoeffer

If you do not worship God seven days a week, you do not worship Him on one day a week. There is no such thing known in heaven as Sunday worship unless it is accompanied by Monday worship and Tuesday worship and so on.  
~A.W. Tozer

Tuesday, October 19, 2010


I was struck today, after teaching two writing classes (grades 7-12), that so few of them are reading anything other than schoolwork. I am having them begin Writing Journals this week, starting with four entries per week, and I gave them simple blog-style prompts to help them get going. One was, "I am reading..." When I asked that question in class, only about 5 of the 35 raised their hands and gave me the title of a book they were reading.


I know one thing. I never would have developed into the person I am today without the books and literary exposure that I had as a kid, teen, and young adult. Thanks, Mom and Dad, for making reading a large part of our lives and memories. Thanks for indulging us and investing in us with all those late nights of  harrowing Peretti stories, Narnia tales read in all the voices, and all the BJU mysteries we solved. They lit a fire in us, to learn and read and explore and imagine. I remember all the Christmases of opening boxes of books instead of heaping toys and gadgets.

We had enough toys to play with. The shelves in our house, of which there are still many, are full. And yet we still read and buy and read again. I find myself looking for "our" books online at used booksellers, getting ready for the next generation of little book lovers. CL already has the attention span of a sparrow for her reading time!

What a world these kids are missing! What a world.

Saturday, October 16, 2010

payroll taxes & hershey's syrup

It's a headache that I dread once a month, and hate once a quarter. Well, the better part of  today was spent doing the 3rd quarter 941s. And, in reading all the materials that IRS sends, I discovered that there are three new things to do.

1. w-11s to be filled out for the fed gov's new HIRE employer incentives
2. i-9s to be filled out for the USCIS by all new employees who are employment eligible
3. All new hires have to be registered with the FL DOCF (to track/catch deadbeat parents not paying child support)

Yay. More paperwork to do. But it is done for now.

Enjoyed breakfast this morning with T & Mom at the new Hardees on Navy. Good coffee and conversation!

Taking a break with a tall glass of chocolate milk, then on to a big editing project that I have been putting off: combining both school handbooks into one and getting them printed. Meg is sleeping beside me (for now, anyway). I am listening to Chris's new CD again today. Good stuff. He needs to get some radio time and do worship gigs!!!

Yesterday, we went over to Cori's, and I cleaned her kitchen and then made the Thai coconut/lime soup that we planned. It was so delicious...even better than Siam Thai's version. I will def make that again!

I am on a period film kick right now; I stayed up waaaaay too long last night watching some Austen films and parts of another called "The Painted Veil." I would like to see an edited/cut version of the whole thing. It is set in China and is a story of forgiveness and pardon.

Thursday, October 14, 2010

no more camera blues

I have been "afeared" that my beloved camera was on the fritz. I got it 4-5 years ago, and have since taken 10,000 pictures. Yes, you counted right. :-D Two weeks ago, it started to not save pics onto the memory card; it would take them, but not save them. I have a little dinky memory card that came with the camera, so I put it in this evening to see if it would save. In the process I accidentally dumped the batteries out and discovered....that one had been put in wrong! So the new 4GB card that I bought today at WM may go back to its little shelf. :-) Yay!!!

Today was "out with Mom" day. She has been asking me to go to Kirby with her regarding a vacuum cleaner barter with one of our families at school. I was dreading it; I LOVE to barter, but sometimes it is just awkward. But it all went splendidly, and Mr. Florian was a hoot! And a great help.

We met Trish for late lunch at Monterreys. Good guacamole! And the only sweet tea I am allowed this week. Alas, I am on a "trim down the sugar" diet.

Then it was on to Comfort Zone. It has been several years since I have invested in good Burks, so it was past time. I got black suede Arizonas, grey suede Arizonas (left), "antique dune" mules, and North Face flipflops (with arch support!!!). The older I get, the more I seem to need more expensive, better supportive shoes. So tomorrow morning, into the trash go all my cute little "hurt-my-feet" flip flops that I have worn to work.

Hasn't this weather been great!?! Before I went to bed last night, I let Meg out for the last time and sat on the deck for awhile, stargazing. Our back-yard neighbor has one of those bright street lights right near our pool, so it is not completely dark enough to see all the stars that I like to see. I did find Ursa Minor and what I think is part of Aquarius. What I would like to find is a good place nearby that is safe for stargazing; then I would have to actually memorize the constellations! :-P

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Mandisa - He Is With You

Lord, Make Me...

One of my favorite prayers/songs speaks to me today:    
Lord, make me an instrument of your peace;
where there is hatred, let me sow love;
where there is injury, pardon:
where there is doubt, faith;
where there is despair, hope
where there is darkness, light
where there is sadness, joy
O Divine Master,
grant that I may not so much seek to be consoled as to console;
to be understood, as to understand;
to be loved, as to love;
for it is in giving that we receive,
it is in pardoning that we are pardoned,
and it is in dying that we are born to Eternal Life.
~St. Francis of Assisi 

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

My Daybook

Outside my window...
A little bird rustles around in the oak leaves. I know there are plenty of worms out there.

I am listening to...
Renee Olstead's new CD, "Skylark," and my former student Chris Stanton's new worship CD, "The Great Unknown." Both phenom!

I am wearing...
A cute yellow tank with giant buttons on the straps and blue jersey capris

I am thankful for...
My family, salvation, safety and protection, being able to pay my bills, good days at school with my students, a little break to catch up with life in general.

I am pondering...
What being an American means, getting married, cleaning my room. :-P

I am reading...
Just finished Cindy Woodsmall's The Bridge of Peace. Reading two textbooks. Going to start The Guernsey Literary and Potato Peel Pie Society by Mary Ann Shaffer and Annie Barrows tomorrow.

From the kitchen...
Tonight I cooked hamburger steaks with fresh baby portobella mushroom gravy, baked potatoes, and a wonderful chef salad (that Mom helped me with!).

I am creating... 
A Power Point presentation for a book report that I am doing for my special ed's about siblings of autistic people.

Toward a Living Education...
This week I have learned how to treat sooty mold that is currently harming my lemon trees. I have also looked up info about various Young Living essential oils to learn more about which ones could help us to live better.

Beauty in the Home...
I have been in a cleaning streak...closets, cabinets, fridge, laundry. The laundry room and back porch are next! I am still looking for a nice fall wreath for the front door...and maybe a pumpkin for the front "stoop."

The Church...
I am not attending anywhere regularly right now. I am enjoy various podcasts though.

I am hoping and praying...
For salvation for a dear family member, for my future husband, for the peace of Jerusalem, and for grace and strength and peace and energy for each new day.

In the garden...
Nothing is blooming right needs to be weeded. There is one hydrangea bloom still hanging on at school. I need to finished filling in one end of the old fish pond and create a small flower garden there with a new smaller pond. Too much to do there.

One of my favorite things...
Coffee on these cool autumn mornings! My dog waiting outside my bedroom door each morning. Hearing God speak to me in the word each day, calming my anxious heart and teaching me His ways.

A few plans for the rest of the week...
A few?  Hmmm...lunch with my older sister Cori (maybe some Thai coconut lime soup with tofu and mushrooms), finish an editing project for school, finish a book report, study for a literature test, get the laundry room cleaned out.

And Fall Break begins...

So my first day of Fall Break went well, unlike the first day of Spring Break earlier this year (my beloved English springer spaniel Hershey died in my arms). It's hard to believe that it has been seven months now. I miss my dear boy!

I slept late (woohoo!), read a little, helped Trish tidy up the house a bit, did laundry, and got a two-hour Young Living oils massage from my friend Melanie. What a wonderful belated birthday gift that was!!! Thanks, Melanie...may Jesus bless you for blessing me! Class afterwards, then grocery shopping with Mom, dinner at home with Tricia, "Castle" and Lie to Me," and more reading before bed.

Mom brewed a pot of coffee this morning and left me a cup. Yum! :-) I feel quite reclusive today. I've been studying for both classes and working on a book report presentation. And I am blogging. :-)

So, the two south end bathrooms at Mom's house are "no more." Daniel cracked and bashed and sawed and hauled and demolished them. He is off on a bike ride to GA right now, so we are (im)patiently waiting for work to commence. There is a great deal of electrical, plumbing, and cement work to be done that is daunting. In the meantime, I am eager to get our new laundry room completely set up (Sarah's old bedroom). It is in working order, but is still cluttered with storage items, furniture, etc. Two weeks ago, I tackled the linen closet "clean and pitch," so while I have off this week, I am going to attempt the laundry room "empty and move." :-)

Saturday we attended Katie Callow and Jeremy Empie's wedding (it was also the wedding day of Luke Dove, Abigail Paul, Josh Showalter and Mrs. McWha). I guess 10/9/10 & 10/10/10 were busy wedding days around the country. Here are some of my pics from the day...

What is an American?

I am currently reading Michel de Crevecoeur's  essay "What is an American?" for a literature class I am taking. I have always wanted to go back and do in-depth study of some of the early American writers, so I am immensely enjoying what I read in this class. The discussion is sadly lacking, and the class is largely an "on-your-own" format, but I am getting as much out of it as I am putting in.

Crevecoeur was a Frenchman who sympathized with the British, so he scurried of to his natal land during the Revolution. His thoughts about America, at the time, were considered embellished and too flattering, as he described it as "the most perfect society now existing in the world." I laugh at his naysayers, realizing that his statement is all too true still today. I read too much of what occurs in the world to think otherwise.

"...from Nova Scotia to West Florida. We are a people of cultivators, scattered over an immense territory, communicating with each by means of good roads and navigable rivers, united by silken bands of mild government, all respecting the laws without dreading their power, because they are equitable. We are all animated with the spirit of an industry which is unfettered and unrestrained because each person works for himself."

Young teeny twits in the class were commenting that yes, Crevecoeur rightly described an American...we are the land of the free, home of brave...blah, blah. They really have no understanding what it is to be an American. One even said that being an American involved "being free to go wherever we like, like to the mall." I wanted to laugh/scream!!!!!

After another class last night (an interesting yet inadequate session on blindness), I met Mom and we went grocery shopping for the month. On a side note, I don't know why Walmart is our chosen grocery store. Convenience, I suppose. Anyway, everyone in town had just gotten their food stamps for the month obviously. I found the shortest line I could find and bought my fruit, veggies, and staples. I couldn't help but think that most America's view of America today is just the OPPOSITE of Crevecoeur's...each person does NOT work for themselves, and the "silken bands of mild government" are now forged chains that encumber  us with fear, taxes, burdens, responsibilities, and dissatisfaction.

The political ads between parts of "Castle" last night reminded me further of this. The Republicans ads are trash-talking the Democrats and vise versa. But no one really has answers. The American people have for too long expected their leaders and law makers to "turn this country around." They can't do it. I distinctly remember when the "young Republicans" swept Washington, bringing a "new era" to politics, supposedly to take us back to our "founding father roots." And they ended up defrauding tax payers, cheating on their wives, misappropriating funds, and behaving just as badly as their opponents. Wrong was not righted. The Reps were shamefully wronged again. Only a few remained unscathed and untainted by immorality, adultery, scandals, and fiscal irresponsibility. God bless them; they tried.

Currently, it seems that the Republican "right" has just as much scandal and immorality as the other parties. I can see why the Tea Party is gaining so much groundswell. When you see politician after politicians fall, you begin to think that they thought they were going to get away with their stupid actions. As if. . Hmmm...let's recall a few sex scandals alone: Rep. Cathy M. Rodgers (WA), Rep. Mark Foley ( FL), Sen. Larry Craig (ID), Glenn Murphy, Jr. (fmr. National Chairman of the Young Republicans),  Kevin Garn (UT House Maj. Leader), Sen. John Ensign (NV), Sen. David Vitter (LA), Gov. Mark Sanford (SC), Rep. Ken Calvert (Cali), Rep. Jim Bunn (OR), Rep. Bob Barr (GA), and the list goes on and on.

I hope youngsters like Marco Rubio can turn the tide. But I think not. Most idealists like him end up compromising in turn. I am sick that these perverts get all the attention. I am sure that there are more than a few good men like Dan Quayle and J. C. Watts have lived pristine, truly "neighbor before self" lives.

For those of us Reps. who claim to be devout Christians, this is NO WAY to shine as a light in the world. Our Grand Old Party is SUPPOSED to stand for conservative family values and moral issues. It seems that we do "protest too much" indeed.

Saturday, October 2, 2010

My pedi

Had a great afternoon with the big sis. I was feeling brave and frisky, hence the bright pink. :-D  I have never had "nail art" done before...Kathy did such a great job! Love my pedis from Diamond Nails as always. <3

Friday, October 1, 2010

ready for the weekend

I need to take a break from studying long neo-classical ramblings tonight. It's been a looong week and glad to see it end. The first Class of 2011 meeting last night was a great success; almost all the seniors and/or parents attended. I have been working on updating the "accomplishment list" for last year's seniors for the wesbite. With 29 grads, it's been quite a work in progress! :-P Tory L. visited on Thursday to finish some bio labs...she is doing well, and we chatted as long as I could before having to corral the natives...all the boys were playing football and enjoying themselves. Was able to take care of some "bidness" with several parents too.

After getting some grocery shopping done this afternoon after work, we spent the afternoon at Cori's, cooking for BLT's, visiting with Cori (who is looking and feeling VERY PREGO), and playing with our CL-Boo!  I got my first non-coerced smooch too! YAY! Was reminded today that I still hope. :-D

Have been enjoying the beginning of my "Fall Book List" picks with Beverly Lewis' new The Thorn. It's good so far. Some of my favorite shows are also on for their new seasons...NCIS, NCIS: LA, The Mentalist, and Castle. Now what's difficult is carving out time to actually see them! Tricia has to record them so we can watch them on the weekends as we can.

Tomorrow, I have school billings to tweak, handbooks to edit, and pedis are scheduled with Cori, so adios!
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