9. two tickets for an evening of worship with Chris Tomlin, Christy Nockels, and Louie Giglio on Saturday, enjoyed with my mother
10. the bruises on my hands from clapping and praising so exuberantly
10. a warm, pink bathrobe, given to me by my ex-SIL on a birthday long ago
11. mushrooms on my tender chicken tonight, grilled just perfectly
12. finally starting to regain my health, after three long weeks of sickness after sickness
13. an old and treasured warm flannel quilt to nap under when I got off from work today
14. a week off from work and sleeping in most of the mornings
15. six blingy new necklaces and four new shirts to dress up my winter wardrobe
16. banana nut bread that turned out just right
17. detective shows on tv that don't have sex and immorality to taint them
18. ice cold water
19. antibiotics to kick this UTI or whateveritisthatIhave
20. new LCD nightlights
My Shepherd "lets me rest in meadow grasses and leads me beside quiet streams. He restores my failing health. He helps me do what honors Him the most."

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