Cori forwarded me an article by David Wilkerson (from Jan 6, 2010). I wanted to post and respond to it here on my blog in length.

For years I’ve claimed to be filled with the Spirit. I have testified that I’ve been baptized in the Spirit. I’ve preached that the Holy Spirit empowers me to witness, and that he sanctifies me. I’ve prayed in the Spirit, talked to the Spirit, walked in the Spirit and heard his voice. I truly believe the Holy Spirit is the power of God.
I can take you to the place where I was filled with the Spirit, at eight years of age. I’ve read everything that Scripture says about the Holy Spirit. Yet lately, I’ve found myself praying, “Do I really know this incredible power that lives in me? Or is the Spirit just a doctrine to me? Am I somehow ignoring him? Am I not asking him to do for me what he came to do?”
The fact is, you can have something very valuable and not know it. And you can’t enjoy what it is you have, because you don’t understand how valuable it is.
There’s a story about a farmer who worked his small farm his whole life. For decades he tilled the rocky soil, living poor and finally dying in discontent. At his death, the farm was passed down to his son. One day, while plowing, the son found a gold-streaked nugget. He had it appraised and was told it was pure gold. The young man soon discovered that the farm was full of gold. Instantly, he became a wealthy man. Yet that wealth was lost on his father, even though it was on the land his whole life.
So it is with the Holy Spirit. Many of us live in ignorance of what we have, of the power that resides in us. Some Christians live their entire lives thinking they have all the Holy Spirit brings, yet they truly haven’t received him in fullness and power. He isn’t accomplishing in them the eternal work he was sent to do.
I think that this is right on. Several years ago, I promised the Lord that I would witness at least once a day to someone, whether it be a student or stranger. And I have kept that promise for every day that I have left the house to work. Over this period of time, I have felt more spiritually empowered and emboldened than I ever have in years past. My spiritual energy and ministry output is much stronger, and I have been making use of more spiritual gifts than ever before.
The more I spend myself for the Lord in His Harvest work, the more of the Holy Spirit I feel I am getting...a continual filling I might say. I want to become more and more "perfect, even as (my) Father in heaven is perfect," so this must continue for me to be the woman of God that I have been asked to be. As 2 Peter states, if He has given me "all things that pertain unto life and godliness, through the knowledge of Him," then He is enabling me to KNOW Him, and by knowing Him, I will have everything that I need for life, dealing with my sins quickly, and developing Godliness.
I have never been ignorant of the Holy Spirit in me. My own childhood experience with Jesus and the Holy Spirit was moving and memorable. I have had a constant sense of His presence in my life since I was saved. But I want His infilling continually. I never want spiritual apathy or stagnation to drown His wooing and whispering.
Fill me up, Lord! Let me come to You continually for the Water of Life!
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