Sunday, January 29, 2012

I love to love!

Yesterday, while out with Mom doing my monthly grocery shopping, I founds some really great things to celebrate Valentine's for my family. In recent years I have been doing the card and candy ritual, but wanted something better this year for some reason. I went with Mom to Michael's (she was picking up some tempura paint to do crafting with Corrie Lynn), and I found a whole rack of delightful things...mostly on sale!

Such cute little bric-à-brac. Sweet nothings really, but I loved them, and I know the girls will love them too. :-D  Then I wandered around and found a raspberry colored basket to hold eggs and a "Happy Easter" sign to sit on my desk at school.

Later at Walmart, I found some red heart tinsel garlands on the cheap at to add to the festive decor. Now I need to look back in my storage room to see if I can locate my red heart wreaths of the front doors...
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