Sunday, May 10, 2015


It's Mother's Day, and I have an incredible mom whom I appreciate more and more each day. I see acquaintances posting about missing their moms who are now gone on to eternity, and I am reminded afresh how thankful I am to have my mom still here with me. I'm blessed, and I want to bless her!

Life has not been without its struggles. Mom didn't have many life examples...examples of godly wives or long-suffering mothers. She did have examples of good cooks and housekeepers, and she became both of those! But the wife and mother roles she forged on her own with the great Teacher to guide her.

She would be the first person to admit that she didn't do everything right. But she has done so much right, by the grace of God. Mamas, don't ever give up on the most difficult jobs that God gives you. Yahweh gave my mama the courage, strength, and fortitude to stand in the gap, to make difficult decisions, to reach outside of herself for strength, and to rely on the Lord to know what to do to make marriage and motherhood work.

My mama's children rise up and bless her. Her husband praised her every chance he got. I love and appreciate her every day.

When I need someone to bounce an idea off of, she is always ready to give advise. She loves God's Word and studies it daily. She fears the Lord and is honorable. She created a home for all of us, a feathered nest in which we could grow and mature. I remember many poignant moments and snatches of time that she spent with me as a child...reading Arch books in a sing-song voice, drawing my favorite Precious Moments figures, taking naps, kneeling by her side to ask Jesus into my heart, playing Uno with the fam all crowded on their bed, learning how to cook and sew, and some of our more recent ventures...trying new international foods and exploring the world of essential oils and wellness together. Mom is brave and truly a mighty warrior, even if she doesn't realize it. I bless the Lord for giving me to her.

I am several months away from turning 40, and I remember when she was 40. Our adult lives have had very little in common, but we have everything that counts for eternity in common: seeking first God's kingdom and His face first; loving Him with all our hearts, souls, minds, and strengths; and letting the Light of the world shine through us. And she taught me that.

I love you dearly, Mama! ❤️

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